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Énergie et courants de marée

  • Dernière modification de la publication :9 juin 2023
  • Post category:Appel à contribution

Appel à contribution pour Energies, un journal en accès libre de MDPI.

Tidal currents contain a large amount of highly predictable energy. Harvesting this energy with marine turbines could enable producing a large amount of low-carbon energy and thus contribute to the reduction in fossil fuels in the energy mix. Although a great deal of research has been conducted on marine turbines, there is still much work to be done to improve designs, reduce costs, and ensure minimal impact on the environment. Thus, research is still needed in several areas such as the characterization of the resource, the development of turbines and their components, the use of new materials, the optimization of turbine layouts, and the assessment of interactions between turbines and the environment.